Silk Scarf Packaging

Project Two for Advertising and Packaging was similar to the page on the left, except we were freed  from the limitations of a paper box and encouraged to explore more creative packaging for a fabric product. I chose a silk scarf and after some research, found quite a bit of controversy surrounding the silk industry. I thought a cruelty-free silk scarf would be an appealing product, to my chosen audience. The idea of putting the scarf in a jar gives the buyer a moment to “free” the item from the jar, symbolizing the moth lives that were saved by purchasing this item.

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The branding, label advertisement, and photography are all my own. I chose to hand-write the type for “gossamer” to drive home the gentle ideal of this product. The color scheme is very rich and royal, alluding to the history of silk being regarded as such a luxurious fabric and historically reserved for royalty and/or wealthy upper-class people.